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Working with teams, to break down the psychological barriers to change while supporting teams in their thinking and learnings throughout this iterative cycle of experimentation and implementation. Responsible for providing individual and team coaching, as well as offering real-time, practical professional development grounded in quantitative and qualitative analysis. Realizing team motivation breakdown weeks before it should happen. Unstoppably analyzing team qualitative and quantitative performance, discovering what is missing and by asking right questions, creating one-on-one and team meetings. Developing the same ability for other leaders and team members

Technion Alumni
10+ years in hi-tech industry as data scientists and team lead.
5+ years as performance & leadership trainer in hi-tech industry. 
ACC International Coaching Federation (ICF) Certification.
600+ hours of professional coaching learning.
10+ of corporate clients.
150+ of individual clients.
2 200+ coaching hours.

Technical data person who transformed myself to soft-skilled professional.

International experience in communications (TRAINED & learning) in london and tel-aviv. 

My professional approach relies on international coaching federation (ICF) methodology - which means that each my client is protected by ICF code of conduct. 

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