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Psychological foundations of NeurographIC (2018)

Dissertations for an academic degree
Candidate of psychological sciences - Savelyeva Olga Alexandrovna

The translation is done by Raya Belinsky and Google Translate.

Neurographics: A Method for Optimizing Psychological Functions 

Statistical Analysis and Implications


The study focuses on "Neurographics" as a projective method in practical psychology, with a group of 35 people.

Research Aim: 

To identify the correlation between resilience and its psychological correlates in addressing life challenges.


The "Neurographics" method is an effective means of optimizing the psychological functions of an individual by altering levels of resilience, anxiety

The hypotheses have been statistically substantiated

  1. The use of "Neurographics" increases the resilience of participants.

  2. Participants utilizing "Neurographics" experience a decrease in anxiety levels.

  3. The application of "Neurographics" reduces aggression indicators.

  4. The use of "Neurographics" alters the interrelationships among resilience, anxiety, and aggression in an individual's personality.

The initially set goal of the research has been achieved, and the objectives have been fulfilled. The theoretical examination of the problem led to the following conclusions.

"Neurographic" is a modern and adequate method in applied psychology, enabling its utilization for various purposes in individual and group work. This includes addressing the entirety of mental processes and structures of consciousness, notably transcending personal experiences through heuristic states of consciousness.

"Neurographic" serves as a means of graphic exploration of ways and methods through which individuals organize their personal physical and social experiences, personal self-representations of their social environment, based on the integral and constant interconnection between personality and the environment.

In combination with other forms of psychotherapy, "Neurographic" proves highly beneficial for dealing with suppressed feelings of anger, guilt, shame, and other emotions related to past psychological traumas beyond ordinary human experiences. By bringing unconscious content to the forefront, it facilitates the processing of repressed emotions and the creation of a constructive future strategy.

"Neurographic" positively influences mental health, contributing to the relative stability of the organism and personality. This enables individuals to consciously consider their physical and mental capabilities, as well as the surrounding natural and social conditions, to fulfill their individual and societal, biological, and social needs.

The method helps stabilize an individual's equilibrium, psychological resilience, and the adequacy of reactions to external stimuli by:

  • Exhibiting high individual adaptability to customary fluctuations in the external environment.

  • Maintaining a comfortable state of being, morphofunctional preservation of organs and systems.

"Neurographic" affects the fundamental components of psychological resilience:

  • Capacity for personal growth with the adequate resolution of internal personal conflicts (value-based, motivational, role-based).

  • Relative stability of emotional states and a favorable mood.

  • Resilience in overcoming difficulties, maintaining self-belief, confidence in one's abilities.

  • Control over cognitive and behavioral processes.

In summary, based on the overall methodological likelihood of the effectiveness of "Neurographic", its application is actively observed and adapted both in controlled conditions and in fieldwork with neurographic specialist and clients.

Implementation of the "Neurographic" project within the context of symbolic and imaginative thinking would enrich the theory and practice of psychology and psychotherapy with a new methodology of neurographic intelligence. This would involve exploring various forms of mental reality and strategies for restoring mental integrity.

The implementation of the "Neurographic" method within the context of integrative psychology would enrich the theory and practice of art therapy in psychology with a new methodology for studying various forms of mental reality and a strategy for restoring mental integrity. This approach proves to be much more effective than a set of tactics that partially address the issue of integrating mental activities or compensating for the consequences of internal conflicts.

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